Urban Dinosaurs at Third Street Village Art Market

Construction is everywhere. San Francisco is changing. Laundry mats and hardware stores have turned into slick fashion boutiques; businesses have moved or closed, and are giving way to condos; and so forth. Construction cranes line the skyline and tower above the streets. Along with the cosmetic changes, a multitude of people have found themselves affected. Rent payments have shot up significantly and many owners are eager to sell their properties, developers are eager to buy. Renters have been priced out and have been evicted from their homes, and often cannot find another home they can afford.

At the Third Street Village Art Market Project, in Bayview, the  The Displacement Show features artists who have been displaced, whether it be from their home or studios.

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I have a book of multiple 8×10 prints titled the Modern Dinosaurs (Urban Dinosaurs). I photographed demolition zones, many of which from the demolition of the Cathedral Hill Hotel, formerly Jack Tar Hotel. The demolition didn’t result in displaced people. It is being replaced by a hospital. The power comes from witnessing our ability to  decimate a gargantuan concrete structure which occupies a whole city block with machines. It is even more compelling that these machines each have personalities with necks, faces and teeth. (Photos below)


Special thanks to curator Danielle Santinover (seen above with her sculpture and admiring youngster) who I had the fortune to meet from Fall Open Studios at the Shipyard.

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